City's Plan - Meeting 6


Walford Planning and Zoning Commission Proceedings

Comprehensive Plan Meeting #6                                                                       Tuesday January 14th, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Chairperson Leymaster.

Roll Call: Blanchard, Brown, Butz, Leymaster. Grabe was absent.

Butz moved approved of the agenda, seconded by Brown. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Brown moved approval of the minutes from November 12th, 2019, seconded by Butz.                             Roll Call: Unanimous.

Kelli Scott and Jarad Foss of Snyder & Associates conducted Comprehensive Planning meeting #6.

City Water & Highway 151 Focus Group Session. 17 Citizens were present.

Discussion regarding city water and highway 151 improvements.

Butz moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m., seconded by Brown. Roll Call: Unanimous.


Mike Leymaster




Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFO

City Clerk

City's PlanTyce Hoskins