May 10th, 2021 - City Council Meeting Minutes

Walford City Council Proceedings

Regular Meeting                                                                                                        Monday May 10th, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Bill Voss.

Roll Call: Bauer, Carter, Greiner, Voss. Pottebaum was absent.

Carter moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Griener. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Bauer moved approval of the April 12th and April 28th, 2021 minutes with correction to April 28th, 2021 minutes, Pottebaum voted aye for the ION Contract Proposal, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Brief discussion regarding second fraud check and the possibly of changing account number.

Greiner moved approval of the April 30th, 2021 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Bauer.                          Roll Call: Unanimous.

Griener moved approval of the May Expenditures, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Deputy Leaper of the Linn County Sheriff Office was present to answer questions regarding sheriff report. There were 24 calls for service from April 12th through  May 10th , 2021.

Chris Havel of Gee Asphalt Systems was present to speak about new GSB preservation seal for asphalt,  chip and seal streets. No action taken. Council to consider in the future.

Resident Jeff Kane was present to voice concerns with Council member Jeff Pottebaum representing the City of Walford due to Facebook posting, as well as not having a permanent residency. Mr. Kane presented a petition with 72 names listed asking for Council Member Pottebaum removal from office.

Mayor and Council Members addressed questions; petition was placed on file.

Council directed Mayor Voss to contact Council Member Pottebaum via email and ask for resignation.

A Public Hearing was held at 7:37 p.m., regarding the Proposed FY 20/21 Budget Amendment.

There were no written and or oral objections received to the proposed Amendment.

Carter moved to close the FY 20/21 Budget Amendment Hearing at 7:38 p.m., seconded by Bauer.       Roll Call: Unanimous.

Voss introduced Resolution No. 5-21-1 Approving the FY 20/21 Budget Amendment, seconded by Bauer. Roll Call: Unanimous.

City Engineer Dave Haugen of Veenstra & Kimm was present to report on the Wastewater Treatment Plant project, as well as 5th Street culvert project and 1st Avenue Asphalt project.

Bauer introduced Resolution No. 5-21-2 to Provide for a Notice of Hearing on Proposed Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimate of Cost for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection Project, and the taking of Bids therefor June 14th, 2021, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Bauer moved approval of the Veenstra & Kimm, Scope of services for the 5th Street Culvert Project, in the amount of $14,000.00 seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

1st Avenue Asphalt Project discussion included designs, cost sharing with Linn County and the postponement of the project until next budget year.

Voss introduced Resolution No. 5-21-3 Approving ION Environmental Service Yearly Operations & Maintenance Service Contract for Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of $4,550.00 per month, seconded by Bauer. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Greiner introduced Resolution No. 5-21-4 Approving Disaster Recovery Plan for Financial Continuity with amendment to contacts, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Walford Planning and Zoning Commission met on Monday May 3rd, 2021 made a recommendation to approve the adoption of the Floodplain Regulations. Minutes received and placed on file.

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Carter Introduced Ordinance No. 220 An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Walford, Iowa by Replacing Chapter 37 Adopting Floodplain Regulations, seconded by Greiner.             Roll Call: Unanimous.

Bauer moved approval to waive the Second and Third Readings of Ordinance No. 220 Replacing Chapter 37 Adopting Floodplain Regulations, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Greiner moved approval of the Final adoption of Ordinance No. 220 Floodplain Regulations, seconded by Bauer. Roll Call: Unanimous. Copy is available at the City Clerk’s office.

Bauer moved to award 2021 Seal Coat Repair to L. L. Pelling Company in the amount of $55,465.05, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Greiner moved approval of the Fireworks Display Permit to Iowa Pyrotechnics, seconded by Voss.     Roll Call: Aye: Bauer, Griener, Voss. No: Carter. Fire Works Display to be held on Saturday June 12th, 2021 at the baseball diamonds. Rain Date of Saturday June 19th, 2021.

Bauer moved approval of the renewal of Cigarette/Tobacco/Nicotine/Vaper Permit for the Walford BP, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous. No violations reported.

Carter moved approval of the Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) Outdoor/Sundays Sales for Bully’s Angle Inn, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Unanimous. No violations reported.

Voss moved to table the Absolute Security System Proposal for park Security Cameras until June 14th, 2021, seconded by Carter, as no proposal was received. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Park and Recreation May 4th, 2021 minutes received and placed on file.

April Wastewater Treatment Plant Monthly Report received and placed on file.

Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: FY 20/21 State Audit schedule, and possible park, and recreation appointment in June.

Greiner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m., seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 377,044.51; (Road Use Tax) 39,316.51; (Sewer Fund) 40,599.75; (Garbage Fund)12,646.16;  (Local Option Tax) 3,611.94; (Tax Increment Financing) 2,203.65.                     Revenue Totals: $475,422.52

April Building Permits Approved: Burns (Shed); Stella Rose (Business); Krieger (Deck); Warden (Shed); 

General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:

A-Line Striping & Sweeping (Sweeping) 2,400.00

Alliant (Electric) 3,291.70

BP Credit Card (Gas/Diesel) 457.66

City Laundering (Rugs/Towels/Uniforms) 283.44

Diedrich, Jarad (Wages) 1,446.00

(Benefit Pay Out) 4,369.63

Ellis, Gary (Wages) 3,649.60

Evans Computer (Support/iCloud/Antivirus) 220.80

Federal Tax Payment 5,857.14

Firehouse Pyrotechnics LC (Fireworks Display) 6,500.00

(Insurance) 1,000.00

Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,227.65

Gazette (Publications) 246.96

Gordon Flesch Company (Copy/Maint) 87.25

Holland Law Office (Attorney Fees) 612.50

Iowa League of Cities (Academy Reg.) 195.00

IPERS (Withholdings/Expense) 3,288.70

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Jordon’s Heating & Cooling (Thermostat) 168.00

K & B Ag Supply (Grass Seed) 534.48

SNS Mudjacking (Concrete Repair) 3,640.00

Orkin (Hall Spray) 63.00

Port”O”Jonny (Restrooms) 372.23

Rick, Howard (Mowing Labor) 2,280.00

Sevig Utility (Water) 36.50

South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 238.63

Sunbelt Rentals (Rake Rental) 427.37

T & D Tree Service (Trimming/Stump Grinding) 800.00

Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 135.00

US Cellular (Cell Phone) 147.82

United Health Care (Jarad & Gary Insurance) 2,866.22

Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. (Engineer Fees) 514.50

Visa: (Postmaster) 119.00; (Habor Freight) 225.94;

(Tractor Supply) 35.42; (Microsoft) 52.50; (Zoom) 14.99 

Voss, Bill (Cell Phone Allowance) 50.00

Wellmark Blue cross (Insurance) 38.99

Sewer Fund Expenditures:

Alliant (Electric) 2,327.83

Central State Bank (ACH Fees) 113.50

Diedrich, Jarad (Wages) 1,446.00

(Benefit Pay Out) 4,369.63

Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,227.66

Iowa Once Call (Locations) 91.80

ION Environmental Solutions (Testing/Labs) 941.00

Ken-Way Trucking (Manhole Repair) 8,802.85

Postmaster (Billing) 162.75

Slater Electric LLC (New Panelboards) 9,233.00

South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 101.97

Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. (Engineer Fees) 15,498.50

Visa: (Harbor Freight) 239.99

Garbage Fund Expenditures:

Benton County Disposal (Tipping) 1,291.50

Johnson County Refuse  (Hauling) 7,905.00

(Yard Waste) 351.60; (Tags) 570.00

Expenditure Totals: $104,569.20


Bill Voss




Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFO

City Clerk

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