February 14th, 2022 - City Council Meeting Minutes

Walford City Council Proceedings

Regular Meeting                                                                                                 Monday February 14th, 2022

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Bill Voss (Attended by Zoom).

Roll Call: Carter (Attended by Zoom), Ellis, Greiner, Voss. Grimm was absent.

Ellis moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Carter moved approval of the minutes from January 10th and January 19th , 2022 as posted and published, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Greiner moved approval of the January 31, 2022 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Voss.                         Roll Call Unanimous.

Greiner moved approval of the February Expenditures, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Linn County Sheriff Report was received for January 10th, 2022 through February 14th, 2022. There were 20 calls for service. Report Placed on File.

A Public Hearing was held at 7:11 p.m. regarding the FY 22/23 Proposed Property Tax Levy Rate.

No written or oral objections received.

Ellis moved to close the Property Tax Levy Rate Hearing at 7:13 p.m., seconded by Voss.                             Roll Call: Unanimous.

Carter introduced Resolution No. 2-22-1 Approving FY 22/23 Maximum Property Tax Dollars in the amount of $633.973.00, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.

City Engineer Dave Haugen was present to submit Engineer report and to answer project questions.

Discussion included request from Contractor for extension with the DNR for UV project. Will be addressed at the March 14th, 2022 meeting.

Carter introduced Resolution No. 2-22-2 Approving Pay Estimate No. 6 for Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement Ultraviolet Disinfection Project in the amount of $20,295.52, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Chad Sands of ION Environmental Services was present to report on monthly operations of the Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Voss moved approval of the Jetco Internet Installation and Subscription Proposal in the amount of $2,785.00 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility, seconded by Ellis.                                                                Roll Call: Aye: Ellis, Greiner, Voss. No: Carter. Motion Carried.

Voss moved approval of the Local Government Professional Services Agreement for the Codification Services in the amount of $3,000.00. seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Review of proposed FY 22/23 Budget Revenues and Expenditures.

Greiner moved to set FY 22/23 Budget Public Hearing date of March 14th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m., seconded  by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Ellis moved approval of the Clerk, Deputy Clerk Job Descriptions and Employment Ad, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Greiner moved approval of the Rear Blade/Hydraulic Cylinder Purchase from P & K in the amount of  $3,749.00, seconded  by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.

Park and Recreation February 1st, 2022 minutes received and placed on file.

Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Snowplow availability, parking ticket complaints, vandalism case, community center dry wall cracking repair.

Greiner moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 p.m., seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.

January Building Permits Approved: Stella Rose (Commercial Condos).

Months Receipts: (General Fund) 2,453.92;  (Road Use Tax) 15,482.97; (Sewer Fund) 21,649.34; (Local Option Tax) 5,127.23; (Garbage Fund) 12,393.28; (SRF) 17,266.15. Revenue Totals: $74,372.89.

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General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:

Allegra Pring (Printing) 598.96

Alliant (Electric) 4,552.17

BP Credit Card (Gas) 918.87

Car Quest (Supplies) 444.10

City Laundering (Uniforms, Towels, Rugs) 371.04

Consolidated Energy (Oil) 100.00

Ellis, Gary (Wages) 3,760.00

Evans Computer (Antivirus/iCloud/ Tec. Support) 220.80

(new Computer setup) 210.00

Federal Tax Payment (Withholdings) 2,828.46

Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,294.45

Gazette (Publications0 277.78

Gordon Flesch (Copy Count/Maint) 198.00

Holland Law Firm (Attorney) 315.00

Iowa Prison Industries (Street Signs) 109.75

IPERS (Withholdings) 1,890.61

Jordon’s Heating & Cooling (Furnace Repair) 182.50

Linn County Treasurer (Election) 249.13

Linn county Sheriff (3rd Quarter Sheriff Fees) 9,880.00

Local Government Professional Services (Codification) 1,000.00

Miller, Dan (Wages) 3,200.00

Office Express (Office Supplies) 160.00

Overhead Door (Door Opener/Maint) 447.50

P & K Midwest ( Mower Parts) 48.22

Postmaster (Fliers) 91.85

Sevig Utility (Water) 41.72

South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 232.74

Tiedeman, Dawn (Wages) 160.00

United Health Care (Insurance) 2,114.84

US Cellular (Jan. Cell Service) 222.98

(Feb. Cell Service) 121.05

Veenstra & Kimm (Engineer) 1,437.50

Visa: (postmaster) 169.62; (Microsoft) 52.50;

(Fastenal) 10.06

Voss, Bill (Cell Phone) 50.00; (Mileage) 68.44

Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 38.99

Whannel’s Hardware (Cellphone/Case/Charge) 204.82

Totals: $39,274.45

Sewer Fund Expenditures:

Alliant (Electric) 2,451.56

Davis, Jim (Refund) 36.00

Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,294.44

Iowa One Call (Locations) 61.30

ION Environmental (Operations) 4,550.00

Jetco (Electrical Control Panel) 36,680.00

(Internet Installation/Subscription) 2,785.00

LINOG2O, LLC (Flow Meter Calibrations/Validation) 425.00

Postmaster (Billing) 186.00

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South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 100.97

Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. 3,432.88

Sewer Totals: $ 53,003.15

Garbage Fund Expenditures:

Benton County Disposal (Tipping) 1,202.44

Central State Bank (ACH Fees) 116.00

Davis, Jim (Refund) 28.00

Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 7,922.00

Garbage Totals: 9,268.44


Matt Greiner

Mayor Pro -Tem



Janet  L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFO

City Clerk

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city councilTyce Hoskins