December 12th, 2023 - City Council Meeting Minutes

(Subject to Approval)

Walford City Council Proceedings

Regular Meeting                                                                                                              December 12, 2023

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Todd Gibbs

Roll Call: Voss, Ellis, & Greiner. Carter & Grimm were absent

Greiner moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous

Ellis moved approval of the minutes from November 14th 2023, seconded by Greiner. 

Roll Call: Unanimous

Greiner moved approval of the November 30th Treasurers Report, seconded by Ellis

Roll call: Unanimous

Greiner moved approval of the December Expenditures with the adjustment of Mayor Voss wages prorated to 5 months & 1 month’s wages to be paid to Mayor Gibbs, seconded by Voss. 

Roll Call: Unanimous

Linn County Sheriff’s report dated 11/14/23 through 12/12/23 was received & placed on file. There were 24 calls for service. Deputy Williams was onsite to deliver 

Devin Krenz was onsite to deliver the ION Wastewater Treatment Plant operations report & noted a new blow off valve was not needed/ordered & the solenoids have yet to be ordered.

Ellis moved approval of renewal of Blanket Surety Bond with Nationwide, seconded by Voss. 

Roll call: Unanimous

Ellis moved to table Resolution 12-23-1 approving the Final Plat of Waggener Way First Addition until 1/9/23 to further review the plat map & easements, seconded by Voss. Roll call: Unanimous

Voss moved approval of resolution 12-23-2 approving the Re-Appointment & Compensation Schedule for City Attorney Erek Sitting, seconded by Ellis. Roll call: Unanimous

Ellis moved approval of FY 24/25 Linn County Contract for Law Enforcement Services, seconded by Greiner. Roll call: Unanimous 

Ellis moved approval of the Re-Appointment of Veenstra & Kimm Inc as City Engineer, seconded by Voss. Roll call: Unanimous 

Parks & Rec December minutes received and placed on file

Other areas of discussion included but not limited to, Thanks to Voss & Carter for their years of service, open seats on various boards, plan to assess goals with new board. Follow up needed on DNR flood maps

Janet Gann was present to express concern over citizen comments being placed at the bottom of the agenda & would like to see them moved back to the top

Voss moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:57pm, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous

Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 36,341.94; (Sewer Fund) 23,248.62 (Garbage Fund) 13,263.00 

(Road Use Tax) 15,120.39 Total Revenue 87,973.95

General & Road Use Tax Expenditures:

Alliant (Electric) 3188.50

BP (Gas) 131.01

Brown, Chessa (Janitorial) 175.50

Car Quest (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) 167.88

Carter, JoEllen (Council Wages) 80.00

Central State Bank (Lock Box Fee) 66.00

City Laundering (Towels/Uniforms/Rugs) 441.79

Ellis, Amy (Council Wages) 240.00

Ellis, Gary (Wages) 4352.00

Evans Computer (Office/Tech Support) 425.46

Federal Tax Payment (Withholdings) 3556.20

Gazette (Publications) 133.23

Gibbs, Todd (Mayor Wages) 291.65

Gordon Flesch Co. (Copy Count/Maint) 90.97

Greiner, Matt (Council Wages) 240.00

Grimm, Ashley (Council Wages) 200.00

Iowa Prison Industries (Signs) 419.76

IPERS (Withholdings) 2437.76

Jordan’s Heating & Cooling (Furnace Repair) 160.00

Linn Co. Treasurer (Bridge Inspections) 760.00

LRS Portables (Restrooms) 127.68

Menards (Supplies) 427.00

Meyers, Tom (Wages) 2856.00

Miller, Dan (Wages) 3880.00

Richardt, Tami (Wages) 4409.60 

Sevig Utility (Water) 55.00

South Slope (Phone/Internet) 322.13

The Hartford (Group Life Ins) 57.77

United Healthcare (Ins) 1033.00

US Cellular (Cell Phone) 161.80 

Visa (USPS) 66.00 (Zoom) 15.99 (BP) 34.56 (Tractor Supply) 59.99 (Theisen’s) 599.46 (Amazon) 139.92 (Reliable Recycling) 10.00 (Oriental Trade) 71.50 

Voss, Aaron (Council Wages) 280.00

Voss, Bill (Mayor Wages) 1458.35 

Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 77.98

Sewer Fund Expenditures:

Alliant (Electric) 2501.28

Iowa Dept of Revenue (Monthly Sales Tax) 173.84

Iowa Finance Authority (Interest) 5163.34

Iowa One Call (Locates) 70.20

ION (Operations) 4550.00 (Refrigerator Reimbursement) 98.58

Postmaster (Billing/462) 235.62 

South Slope (Phone/Internet) 107.11

Garbage Fund Expenditures:

Benton Co Solid Waste (Tipping Fees) 565.80 

Central State Bank (ACH Fees) 113.50

Johnson Co Refuse (Hauling/466) 7922.00 (Tags) 1140.00

Expenditure Totals:  56,342.71

_______________________________ Todd Gibbs, Mayor


________________________________Tami Richardt, City Clerk